Mirrors by Keith Kenniff (Helios) contains three short vignettes of beautifully composed and recorded piano music. The tone and feel of these recordings bears resemblance to moments in recordings of Keith Jarrett – solo-piano – specifically the Sun Bear concert. Keith Kenniff (aka Helios, et. all) from Portland, Oregon one might more freely associate with composers such as David Shire. There’s something about the very beginning of the sequence reminds of Shire’s soundtrack from The Conversation by Francis Ford Coppola and starring Gene Hackman, part of the syncopation. Here’s another recent collection piano-music florettes, are also quite nice: materia
by Motohiko Hirami
That in all before the one minute mark of each segment take off and landing is already complete, suits this type of work nicely. Vis-à-vis the process of composing & recording versus acts of listening (actively) in the work, Kenniff offers something new with the series in terms of presentation and overarching theme. Listen to Mirrors here, and take a look at the recent Apple commercial featuring one of Keith’s songs