The descriptive tagline and title Everything Is Touching Everything Else is a good paraphrase for the type of variable substance found throughout this new album by The Cutler. It places itself amid a notable distinction setting the tone for twelve lyric and instrumental high-gloss tracks – that of everything juxtapose everything else. The second song featuring Isobel Helen, titled Romulus and Remus, is a tectonic collaboration from which the album wanders elsewhere. The mellowed exploratory mood and psychedelia are at their heights in the instrumental Quite Rightly. Drawing on an ear for the likes of Andreas Vollenweider, or groups like The Books, one might conclude the use of samples here in many of the lyric and instrumental tracks less than decisively explores the format its usage suggests, that of descriptive and storytelling audio. With the integrity of the album’s synth, bass and percussion work alone, the material with be definitive enough without, though it seems much to do with The Cutler’s experiment is for incorporating snippets of found-object audio bootlegs