Luthier gone mad scientist on this solo-album of his from 2007, Kevin Drew announced that he’s in the midsts of collaboratively writing a new record, earlier this year. Where Kevin Drew is among many of the other great and talented musicians, thanks to Arts & Crafts records of Toronto, where it’s listener appreciation month — dig in to their soundcloud where they’re streaming Spirit If, en masse! Fitful and erratic, spontaneous yet colored with its themes throughout, how pleasant such loosely random and abstract patterns of thought evolve and play out across the duration of Drew’s rampant meditation on erstwhile cradles of the modern psyche, personal and inter-personal relationships. The nature and experimental forms demonstrated early on in the record vary throughout are teemingly animalistic, lively yet wistful. The vocal counter-part recordings are very well made, the androgynous falsetto all too perfectly convincing.